REFA Consulting

REFA Beratung.

Welcome to REFA!

Our English-language Online-Seminars are aimed at all those whose business language is English, who maintain international business relationships or work in intercultural teams. The range of topics is wide: from modern leadership techniques to Lean Management tools to classic REFA Methods, you can acquire know-how in English with us.

Are you about to take over responsibility for a team in an international company? Alternatively, are you just starting out as a team leader? A training in the field of leadership will provide you with practical knowledge that will help you master your new task.

Seminars addressing topics that provide a sound basis for the implementation of Industry 4.0 are also currently very popular. With Lean Management and the REFA methodology, you can equip yourself for this challenge effectively.

Our qualified trainers convey the seminar syllabus in English and familiarise you with the comprehensive and latest technical vocabulary. By exchanging ideas with trainer and participants in a live video conference, you will train how to deal with technical topics in English and thus gain confidence for your everyday professional life.

2 seminar days / 16 lessons in total 
1.090 € excl. VAT
10 seminar days / 80 lessons in total 
5.400 € excl. VAT
4 seminar days / 12 lessons in total 
1.090 € excl. VAT
2 seminar days / 6 lessons in total 
880 € excl. VAT
4 seminar days / 12 lessons in total 
1.090 € excl. VAT
4 seminar days / 12 lessons in total 
1.090 € excl. VAT

Changed framework conditions, growing demands and little time: companies and their employees increasingly have to face many challenges. Online-Seminars offer an ideal format for gaining up-to-date knowledge for your everyday work in a quick and compact manner.

Focused on the results and professionally conducted – the Online-Training by REFA is in no way inferior to an attendance seminar with respect to their interactivity and efficiency.

On the day the training starts, you conveniently log into your virtual classroom from anywhere in the world. And just like that, you experience the seminar live and interactive. In contrast to a mere learning video, you are able to talk to and exchange views with other participants and your trainer without hindrance. Even forming work groups is a possibility – just as if you would be sitting in a real classroom together. From practice to practice: our acknowledged experts train you competently in current and ever popular topics from their field of expertise.

Without a lot of technical effort, you can integrate an Online-Training into your daily work routine. It is highly efficient and easy, both on the environment and your expenses, as there are no travel- or accommodation costs. In other words, it is ideal for employees with a tight time window and little or no travel budget. Alternatively, it is a popular qualification tool for the intensive training of entire departments and of course for everyone who prefers to learn at their own desks.

This is what you can expect participating in a REFA-Online-Training:

  • Usually small groups
  • Digital supply of training documents for preparation and reference
  • Homework assignments until the next session to intensify the knowledge
  • Interactive techniques just as in an attendance seminar
  • Qualified confirmation of participation as proof of professional training
  • Technical- and sound check prior to the Online-Seminar for a smooth course of events

We are happy to organise closed Online-seminars for companies with direct relevance to the company and a high-level practical knowledge transfer.

What does „Online-Training“ mean?

An Online-Training is a live presentation on the Internet that takes place on a fixed date. It offers the opportunity of conveying the syllabus quickly and in a compact format. In terms of procedure, it is similar to a face-to-face seminar. In the Online-Seminar, the trainer and seminar participants interact via a chat function in a common, but virtual learning environment. This learning environment contains all the tools, information and links relevant to the Online-Training and the learning process. The distinct possibilities of the internet are used to conduct the Online-Training. Similar to a face-to face seminar, each Online-Training course is structured in a way that optimises learning: introduction, clarifying expectations, transfer of knowledge, practice, repetition and feedback. Participating in an Online-Seminar can take place at your desk in the company itself or just as easily from the comfort of your home office, as no special installations on the PC are necessary. Online-Seminars allow learners to participate in courses that are beyond their geographic reach. In addition, the time and costs involved are reduced to a minimum compared to face-to-face seminars: travel and accommodation costs are eliminated. Learning in a familiar environment also often promotes successful learning. Therefore, it is no wonder that Online-Trainings have become a very popular e-learning format.

How does an Online-Training work?

Fixed start and end dates form the framework of the Online-Training. Participants click on a link that they have received by e-mail in advance and thus enter a virtual classroom. Both, trainer and seminar participants can see each other live on the screen - depending on the setting - and can talk and exchange ideas with each other. The trainer has a wide variety of ways to actively involve the participants in the Online-Seminar, e.g. by forming study groups, starting polls, stimulating discussions, visualising with PowerPoint slides and much more. This way the interactive format of a seminar is sustained, just as in a face-to-face seminar. Exercises, which the trainer gives participants to take home until the next online session, lead to better understanding and consolidation of the syllabus content.

What system requirements are necessary for participation in an Online-Training?

No elaborate technology or multimedia elements are required for an Online-Training. As a rule, a PC or laptop with internet connection and an up-to date browser is sufficient for participation. In most cases, the installation of special software is not needed. However, a headset or loudspeakers and a microphone are required to ensure the communication between participants.

You do not need to download any separate software to participate in a REFA-Online-Training. You only need to make sure that your equipment meets the following system requirements, which correspond to today’s standards:

For PC-based participants:

  • Internet Explorer 9, Mozilla Firefox 34, Google Chrome 39 (JavaScript enabled) or the latest version of the respective browser
  • Windows XP, Windows Server 2008 or higher
  • Cable modem, DSL or faster internet connection (1 Mbps or faster)
  • Dual-Core-Processor 2.4GHz or faster processor with at least 2 GB RAM recommended

For Mac-based participants:

  • Safari 6, Firefox 34, Google Chrome 39 (JavaScript enabled) or the latest version of the respective browser
  • Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) or newer
  • Cable modem, DSL or faster internet connection (1 Mbps or faster)
  • Intel-Processor with at least 2 GB RAM or more recommended
  • Participants who want to use audio functions using VoIP need a fast internet connection, a microphone and speakers (a USB headset is recommended)

On iPad, iPhone, Android- or Windows-mobile device

  • Free GoToMeeting, GoToWebinar or GoToTraining App from the App Store, Google™ Play or Windows Store.
  • A Wi-Fi connection is recommended for the use of VoIP.

How to register for an Online-Training?

You register for the desired Online-Training via our booking system. Alongside the confirmation of your registration, you will receive a link to log into the virtual seminar room. On the day of the seminar, you will receive a reminder by email. The training documents will be made available to you in digital format.

REFA Zeitwirtschaft

Zeitwirtschaftliche Beratung direkt vom Erfinder und Gründer der REFA-Methodenlehre. Vertrauen Sie auf das Original.

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Prozesse strukturieren, Optimierungspotenziale in der Fertigung und Verwaltung identifizieren und nutzen, sowie Abläufe nachhaltig verbessern.

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Lean Beratung

Die Vorteile von Lean Management in Unternehmen und Verwaltungen liegen auf der Hand. Allerdings ist es nicht damit getan ...

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Unsere Expertise


Maschinen Industrie

Ob im Bereich Automobil, Maschinenbau, Konsum oder chemische Industrie - der Wettbewerb wird anspruchsvoller. Unsere Industrieberatung zielt darauf ab, Prozesse zu optimieren, Kosten dauerhaft zu senken und so Ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu steigern. Unsere Berater verfügen über jahrelange Erfahrung aus verschiedensten Beratungsprojekten der Industrie. Mit diesem Branchen-Know-how unterstützen wir Sie dabei, Prozessoptimierungen effizient und zielgerichtet zu realisieren.

News Ticker

Prozessoptimierung in der Corona-Krise – Verfahrensdokumentation als Steuervorteil

Etablierte Prozesse sind das Rückgrat der Produktion und sorgen für reibungslose Abläufe in der Wertschöpfungskette. Sie sollten dazu auch noch hocheffizient sein und kontinuierlich verbessert werden, wenn möglich. Und auf einmal ist alles anders, weil wegen der Corona-Pandemie Mitarbeitende ins Homeoffice geschickt werden oder in Kurzarbeit gehen. Doch bietet sich hier auch eine Chance, auf dieser Basis die bestehenden Prozesse zu optimieren. Digitalisierung gilt als Weg dorthin, die Verfahrensdokumentation ist der Schlüssel dazu – und hilft sogar dem Steuerberater.


Entdecken Sie unseren neuen Shop für Training und Coaching – Die Zukunft der Beratung beginnt jetzt!

Bereit für neue Wege im Training und Coaching?

Unser neuer Shop eröffnet Ihnen eine Welt moderner und persönlicher Trainings und Coachings zur REFA Methodenlehre, Lean Management,  Unternehmessteuerung und Führungskompetenz. 


Kundenmeinung: Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH

„Mit der Analyse sind wir sehr zufrieden. Unsere Erwartungen diesbezüglich haben sich erfüllt. Die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Berater war sehr gut. Wir sind aktuell dabei die Ergebnisse auszuwerten und weitere Schritte zu definieren. Hier werden sicherlich noch weitere Detailfragen aufkommen. Ihr Berater hat angeboten, uns bei Fragen bei ihm zu melden worauf wir sicherlich noch zurückkommen werden.
Danke für die gute Zusammenarbeit!“

Herr Reitinger, Leiter der Arbeitsvorbereitung von der Wacker Neuson Linz GmbH

Unsere Kunden

Unsere Kunden




Vic. Ponte Vecchio 3-5
CH-6600 Locarno
Fon +41 (0) 44 500 1672




Kärntner Ring 5-7
A-1010 Wien
Fon +43 (0) 1 348 8686-10


Consulting in München


Elsenheimerstraße 61
80687 München
Fon +49 (0) 89 45 453 465




Level 15&16 Nexxus Building
41 Connaught Road Central
999077 Hong Kong
Fon +852 (0) 580 86047


Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Bettina Dirks
Bettina Dirks
Koordination Consulting
Telefon: +41 (0) 44 500 2328
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